Kawaii means cute in Japanese.
Kawaii could mean cute, beautiful, adorable and cool. Kawaii is positive and convenient word.
Japanese use the word Kawaii a lot, especially young women.
In general, Japanese people like Kawaii cute things.
I think many Japanese people even adults are used to be around Kawaii cute things.
I would like to introduce you about Japanese Kawaii cute things that I haven’t seen in other countries.
There are a lot of Kawaii cute culture in Japan.
I will introduce three Kawaii cute things today.
1.The cutest self payment machine at supermarket in my hometown in Japan
I was shopping with Mom and she told me about Kawaii cute payment machines.
They were installed while I was in Germany.
She recommended to use one.
I was exited to pay with a Kawaii cute payment machine.
We were buying Tofu, Natto, eggs, yogurt and meat etc.
Here is a self payment machine with cat sound.
It is enjoyable to pay.
There are normal, dog and cat versions of self payment machine.
When you are using cat machine and someone is using dog one,
you might feel too much sound but it is Kawaii cute moment.
I was able to hear the sound even when I was far away from there in supermarket.
This kind of Kawaii cute things make children not bored and make everyone feel happy.
I can never imagine that German people install this kind of Kawaii cute self payment machine in Germany.
Listen to meow sound.
I think Kawaii cute things can make people relax and gentle.
2. Kawaii cute sweets “Tokyo banana”
Tokyo banana(東京ばな奈) is one of popular souvenir since 1991 in Tokyo.
Many Japanese people buy Tokyo banana as a souvenir or small gift.
When I went to Tokyo as a business trip, I remember that I bought normal Tokyo banana with no drawing pattern.

Tokyo banana is sweet sponge cake with cream filling.
There are many variations of taste as well as patterns like stars, leopard and more.
My Japanese old sister living in Tokyo often bring it as a souvenir when she visits our parents.
When I saw the sea otter Tokyo banana, I said “Kawaii!!!”.
The drawing with the fluffy sponge makes the Kawaii cute sweet even cuter.
You can find Tokyo banana for sure at Tokyo station, Shinagawa station, Haneda airport and Narita airport in Tokyo.
Also some sightseeing spots sell it.
I am not sure how often but a new drawing pattern on Tokyo banana is produced at some point.
3.Cute train design “Doraemon” in Tokyo
Doraemon is popular Manga and Anime character since 1969 in Japan.
I was watching Draemon on TV and Manga when I was a child.
Doraemon is robot cat came from the future and he owns tons of convenient items.
Outside and inside is Doraemon color blue.

I asked my sister about current Kawaii cute things in Japan and she sent me Doraemon train pictures.
This is so cute!
It seems Doraemon’s movie’s advertisement.
Grown Japanese people taking Kawaii cute Doraemon transport as usual makes me smile and I feel peaceful.
I really like this kind of event in Japan.
People have different thinking or feeling about cute.
But still, there are a lot of kind of Kawaii cute things in Japan.
I would like to keep searching Kawaii cute things about Japan.
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.