I want to eat tasty Japanese food in Berlin, Germany!
It is possible to eat tasty Japanese food in Berlin, Germany.
There are two ways.
Cooking by yourself or eating out at Japanese restaurant.
More than two years, I haven’t bought rice in Germany even at once and never been to Japanese restaurant in Germany.
Because I was not really into Japanese food before.
I was satisfied with Japanese food in Japan once or twice a year.
Plus, I was not expecting tasty Japanese food at any restaurant in Germany either.
First three years of my life in Germany,I was okay to eat whatever food as Pasta or any food already cooked.
High protein and a lot of vegetables were important for me,
because I was a trainee to build muscle.
Actually, I have some Japanese seasoning which are “Miso”, “Mirin”, “Dashi” from Japan.
*Miso-soybeans with salt and kōji
*Mirin-rice wine
*Dashi-soaking kelp in water or small dried sardines taste
I brought them from Japan to Germany.
Those last for a long time like few years because I barely cooked before.
One day, my boyfriend bought rice cooker “Reishunger”.
And around April 2020, Lockdown happened in Germany because of COVID-19.
We cook very often and felt it would be nice if there are more varieties of meal.
I thought it would be nice to have Japanese food with rice that is cooked by the rice cooker.
It is possible to cook rice with pot but lazy to do because you need to check the heat level few times.
Now, I cook Japanese food about once a week.
Thanks to rice cooker.
I use google to find simple recipes.
There are many recipes on google of course.
Thanks to Google as well.
“Cookpad” is very useful for me to cook Japanese food.
Here is my favorite Japanese meals lists I cook in Germany
I can also cook Chinese food e.g. Mapo Tofu, Ramen, Gyoza(dumpling)、Chahan (fried rice).
These days, I am cooking Asian meal more than ever.
In general, You can find many Japanese ingredients at Asian supermarket.
I guess they are mostly from China but okay.
It is twice or three times expensive to buy them compare to in Japan.
But I carefully cook because I don’t want to waste of the valuable Japanese stuffs even a bit.
It is easy to find Asian supermarket in Berlin, Germany.
There are many shops and prices depend on the shops.